My main research interests include social evaluation processes (responses to feedback, reputation, and status dynamics) with a particular focus on rankings and online ratings. I’m especially interested in creative and cultural industries, and in how digitization directly or indirectly influences firms’ strategic choices.


Michelin is coming to town: Organizational responses to status shocks.
[Favaron S.D., Di Stefano G., Durand R.] – Published in Management Science (2022)

What happens in the aftermath of the introduction of a new status ranking? In this study, we exploit the unique empirical opportunity generated by the release of the first edition of the Michelin Guide for Washington D.C. in the fall of 2016. We build on prior work on rankings as insecurity-inducing devices by suggesting that newly awarded high-status actors modify their self-presentation attributes to fit with what they believe audiences expect from the elite. Our results show that, depending on their standing prior to Michelin’s entry, restaurants acted upon different attributes of their self-presentation. Restaurants with high prior standing emphasized attributes that channeled authenticity and exclusivity, which may imply their Michelin designation triggered operational changes. Actors with low prior standing, on the other hand, acted on descriptive attributes that did not necessarily imply operational changes and could be easily manipulated to signal their belonging among the elite. We contribute to research on status and conformity by disentangling the sources and types of conformity behaviors that newly awarded high-status actors deploy.


Too blind to see? A Study of Attentional Selection in the context of online customer feedback.
[Favaron S.D., Di Stefano G.] – Forthcoming at Organization Science

To Survive or to Innovate? Project governance in OSS projects.
[with Medappa P.K. and Srivastava S.] - Revise and Resubmit at Research Policy

Reputation dynamics in the digital age: addressing online threats to organizational reputation.
[with Medappa P.K.] - Best Proposal for Creativity in Research - Competitive Strategy - SMS Toronto 2021

Project on Fit and Portability of Employee Performance in the context of European football.
[with Thomas A.]

The Experts and the Crowd: the interplay between expert and amateur evaluations.
[with Di Stefano G. and Depalma C.]

Other Publications (Università degli Studi di Padova)

Lepri che vincono la crisi: Storie di aziende (quasi medie) vincenti nei mercati globali
[Paolo Gubitta, Alessandra Tognazzo, Favaron S.D.] - Marsilio Editori.

Does slack always affect resilience? A study of quasi-medium-sized Italian firms
[Alessandra Tognazzo, Paolo Gubitta, Favaron S.D.] - Entrepreneurship & Regional Development 28 (9-10), 768-790.